In many respects, negative feedbacks are a wellspring for personal improvement and everyone must take advantage of them. Many people depict negative feedbacks as harmful for employees because it would lead to anxiety and depression. But such a view must change.
Indeed, negative feedbacks are essential to enhance once personal performance and turn out to be of paramount importance for leadership efficiency. Criticism is not easy and here are four tips to make it positive.
- Don’t react too hurry
Crying or punching a wall is not constructive. Such reaction can be understandable because critical feedbacks provoke an intern conflict involving our self-image and as a result, it is difficult to cope with criticism. To have a proper reaction, we need to improve our self-awareness: rather than giving an immediate answer, we can take a few days to think so as to understand what could be positive in the feedbacks for one’s self-improvement.
- Get information
In order to make feedbacks positive for us, we need to understand them. To do so, asking trustworthy colleagues on their view about the different criticism is essential: they can help us understanding more clearly the reason of the critical feedbacks.
- Find a precursor
After the feedbacks, changing one’s behavior is complicated, but even more complicated is to change the perception people have of us. This is the very reason why, after receiving the feedback report, we need to find an very symbolic action to change: thus people will notice the change and be even more receptive to the general change.
- Don’t play scapegoat
Facing with criticisms often leads to loneliness and isolation. Indeed, people tend to avoid others after receiving critical feedbacks but this is wrong! Other people are the best mirror to your behavior, they can help you to improve yourself daily.